Leave Your Legacy.
Delta Alpha Omega cherishes our alumni brothers and appreciates all of the time they have put in in order to make the fraternity what it is today. During their time in college, they were DAO's ambassadors of change on campus and proudly represented the values and pillars of the fraternity. Although they have graduated and now pursue their professional careers, DAO alumni brothers still connect with current brothers through personal and adacemic advising and professional development workshops throughout the year. Alumni brothers set the standard for our current brothers, who, in turn, desire to one day leave their own legacies in the fraternity and at the university.
1. Eduardo 'Humilde' Arcos
2. Carlos 'Carisma' Gutierrez
3. Richard 'El General' Martinez
4. Rafael 'El Valiente' Navarro
5. Victor 'Fuerza' Gongora
6. Carlos 'Maverick' Lopez
7. Jesse 'Arsenic' Ramos
8. Victor 'Aguila' Serrano
9. Robert 'Absolut' Silva
10. Robert 'Aero' Sandoval
11. Federico 'La Voz' Lozano
12. Willie 'Pyro' Castrejon
13. Ruperto Jovani 'Shooter' Alejandro
14. Pedro 'Unbreakable' Perez
15. Luis 'Gunner' Gomez
16. Majedur Rahman 'Striker' Chowdhury
17. Sakib 'Cannon' Bari
18. Jared 'Swagger' Apilado
19. Jose 'Cash Flow' Alanis
20. Gerardo 'Die Hard' Ortiz
21. David 'Makaveli' Rivera
22. Jose 'Lazarus' Jaimes
23. Javier 'Hot Line' Abrego
24. Jorge 'Zion' Segovia Jr.
25. Michael 'Trajan' Lozano
26. Toribio 'Atlas' Ramirez
27. Miguel 'Titan' Gonzalez
28. Tracy 'Apollo' Godbolt
29. Antonio 'Olympus' Cruz
30. Jesse 'Prometheus' Mondragon
31. Jesus 'Sparta' Gonzalez
32. Jonathan 'Odysseus' Espinoza
33. Darren 'Achilles' Lau
34. Thomas 'Rasmus' Pena
35. Rudy 'Koios' Corona
36. Jason 'Lapetus' Ng
37. Jesus 'Plutus' Graciano
38. Kevin 'Morpheus' Esswein
39. Andres 'Hermes' Gutierrez
40. Pablo 'Colossus' Rivera
41. Ryan 'Eusebio' Fite
42. Erick 'Dawid' Campos
43. Eloy 'Dante' Gonzalez
44. Juan 'Agamemnon' Lopez
46. Miguel 'Kairos' Gonzalez
48. Guadalupe 'Ennio' Ramirez
49. Vicente 'Daedalus' Barton
50. Thomas 'Aequitas' Ford
55. Jesus 'Titus' Hernandez
58. Salvador 'Heracles' Arellano