Bound together.

Delta Alpha Omega is a brotherhood truly open to all men. And unity between brothers is at the foundation of everything we do. We are not only part of the same organization but we are also members of one diverse family. And we treat each other like so. From socializing on campus, to serving together in the community, there is a special bond between DAO brothers that is rare to find in other groups. Together, we strive to create an environment for everyone to find acceptance and opportunitiy to grow and succeed.
Shaping future leaders.

In our fraternity, we understand that every brother's first priority should be their education. And we stand behind each other to assure that the fraternity never becomes a burden but a launching pad towards our academic goals. Beyond this, we have the desire to be among the best students at our university. Therefore, every brother excells in academics and sets the standard for other students. We achieve this through accountability with each other, frequent study sessions throughout the semester, and professional development workshops held by our alumni. No matter the major or degree, we believe that the aim is the same: to continue to expand our knowledge and skills in order to become tomorrow's leaders of change.
Paying it forward.

Our fraternity was founded on the sole purpose of community service and today we still maintain this goal of giving back. We have continued this strong tradition of service both on and off campus. Delta Alpha Omega's main philanthropy is raising funds and awareness for childhood cancer, partnering with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. You will find DAO brothers on campus doing fundraisers throughout the year to support this cause and being the voice in the Austin community. In addition, each of us realizes how much we have been blessed in our lives and makes a daily effort to pay forward those blessings to whoever may cross our path.
For more information about St. Jude visit stjude.org.
Social Enrichment
Work hard. Play too.

Considering all of the work we put into our academics, DAO brothers see no harm in taking time to unwind, relax, and socialize. We engage in an wide array of social activities throughout the year including intramural sports, brotherhood events, multicultural showcases, mixers with sororities, and much more. For many brothers, the fraternity is their social circle where they are free to express their own interests and hobbies. Outside of scheduled events, DAO brothers will become your friends for late night pick-up basketball or your buddies for quick trips to HEB. In fact, many brothers become roommates in student dorms or off-campus apartments and are able form even closer bonds with each other.
One global family.

As a member of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) here at the University of Texas, our fraternity partners with other campus organizations such as the Multicultural Engagement Center to put on events that promote diversity within our fraternity and on our campus. One such event is our annual MGC Showcase, an event during the spring semester complete with food, music, and performances by UT students and DAO brothers who represent many world cultures. Together, we believe that we can help unify students of all races who each contributes to today's ever-changing globalized society.