Are you interested in greek life, but you still have doubts or concerns? Don't let your unanswered questions keep you from considering membership with Delta Alpha Omega. It is very common to worry about many different factors when deciding whether or not to join an new organization. But if you never address these questions, you may miss out on the countless opportunities that come with being a DAO brother. Here we have compiled a list of common questions asked by prospects concerning our fraternity and the rush proccess.
If you have more questions that were not answered here, feel free to contact one of our current officers or submit your question at the bottom of the Home page. If you are a parent with more questions about our fraternity please do not hesistate to contact us at texasdao.gamma@gmail.com
What exactly is a Fraternity? Why join one?
Put simply, a fraternity is a greek-lettered organization of men who come together to make a positive impact at their university, in their community, and between each other. Putting aside all of the sterotypes of what a fraternity does, Delta Alpha Omega does not fit any Hollywood picture but actually gives its members a unique and impactful college experience. By joining, you will gain a brotherhood and a support system for your time here in college and for the rest of your life.
What is the recruitment process like?
Prospects can determine whether Delta Alpha Omega is right for them by attending our rush events at the beginning of each semester. Through postive interaction with the brothers and displaying qualities of a leader, prospects may then be offered a bid, or a formal letter of invitation to begin the pledging process. During process, you will learn about and practice the DAO pillars and be challenged to grow in different ways.
Will Joining DAO hinder my academics?
We understand that every prospective member is a student first. Thus, we ensure that the pledging process never becomes a burden to a prospect's academic responsibilities. During process, prospects are required to attend weekly study sessions with the brothers and provide frequent grade reports so that they do not fall behind in their class work. In fact, many of the skills learned through process can actually be implemented in academic situations and improve a prospect's performance in their classes.
What are the requirements to pledge?
Every prospective member must meet the following requirements:
- Have completed at least one semester here at UT.
- Be currently enrolled as a full-time student here at UT.
- Maintained at least a 2.25 GPA the most recent semester.
- Attended one information session during rush.
How much time would I have to commit during Process?
The time it takes to complete the prospective member process is entirely up to a pledge's determination and will to excel during process. The process has been compared to adding a three hour course to your schedule, however, we believe that it is very manageable with the right time management and prioritizing skills.
What are the advantages of becoming a brother?
Becoming a Delta Alpha Omega brother will enrich your college years more than can imagine. The fraternity can be your social circle, your community service, your academic and professional development, or your emotional support system here in college. The DAO brothers with truly become your brothers and friends that you will have for the rest of your life. The experience and professional skills you will gain as a member of this fraternity can also help you in your search for jobs after graduation by making you a more competetive applicant.
What Leadership opportunities are available?
A new member can almost immediately serve as a DAO officer with the exception of executive board positions such as the President, the Vice President, and Secretary. However, after a year of membership a brother can pursue any leadership role that they and the other brothers see fit. Available positions range from the President to Social Chair to Public Relations.
What is the Time Commitment as a brother?
We believe that like any organization, what you put into it, is what you will get out of it. That said, by claiming active status, a DAO brother commits himself to helping move the fraternity forward. However, no brother is forced to commit a certain amount amount of time to the fraternity. We encourage each other to give what we can to DAO so that we as a fraternity can grow and its members can also achieve their goals.
How much are dues as a brother?
Delta Alpha Omega is a non-profit organization and all funds collected go to running fraternity events and meeting the needs of the brothers. During the prospective member process, you will pay $200 in payments of $50 throughout the semester. This will go towards the materials you will receive if you cross. After crossing, the dues for each brother are $150 per semester. We understand that the cost of college can already a burden for some members, so we do our best to keep dues low and work with brothers who may have difficult financial circumstances. If monetary issues are a concern, please do not let this stop you from considering DAO.
What is the Delta Alpha Omega difference?
Delta Alpha Omega is one of the few multicultural fraternities at the University of Texas at Austin. And like our name states, we are a fraternity open to all men of any race, religion, creed, or any other association. In this way, we do not discriminate against our members and select new brothers by only the qualities and character traits that we see within them. Furthermore, Delta Alpha Omega's main goal is to bring each member "change from beginning to end." If you are searching for an organization that will push you to become a better person, help you achieve your personal and academic goals, and provide you with a support system in college, consider becoming a brother of Delta Alpha Omega.